Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dream Journey

My first major update of Dream Journey is complete. Two chapters are available to read now as well as the beginnings of two introductions. Currently 3000 words, the book ought to be about 50k when this is over.

Get it while it's hot, free and new.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Thank you and new story at Scriggler

Thanks to everyone who has viewed, liked, commented and/or shared my story for the Crime/Thriller competition at Scriggler! It's doing well so far and I'm glad so many people have said that they enjoyed it.

The competition ends in January and I'll post an update when I hear any news.

In the meantime, here's another, with a different tone, that you may enjoy: "Kris and the Thing (that Lives in the Cave)"

Monday, December 08, 2014


"Exclusion" or "Hey, How Come Those Fish Are Having So Much Fun? I Want To Be A Goldfish Too."
Despite appearances, this was actually a very disturbing dream.
I mine my dreams for inspiration and fun, particularly fun, and since I like my entertainment horrific I'm not averse to dream monsters or frightening scenarios. One of the most frightening dreams I've ever had featured a character who immediately became the villain of an upcoming novel and I'm grateful that he/it appeared to me ... as long as he stays away.

This dream, however, left me feeling crap all day. Dreams can do that and I wonder how much they affect us even when we don't recall them each day.

Beautiful, shining goldfish have often delivered messages to me in dreams. I obviously associate them with wisdom or something. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think they are messengers from God or prophets from a spirit world ... they're me. They're a bit of my brain saying: "Great, you're asleep. Now wake up."

So, I'm going to listen to myself and attempt to have more fun.

Or perhaps I ought to get drunk and give a fish the kiss of life.

It depends on your school of dream interpretation.

See what I did there?

Tuesday, December 02, 2014


BNBS Crime/Thriller Contest

I recently entered the Britain's Next Bestseller Crime/Thriller short story competition.

Click here to read my entry '999' over there now.

If you like it, 'like' it please. That's how they work out which stories make it into the final print book. I'd also appreciate it if you'd comment and share and all that good stuff if you enjoy the story.

There are currently two other stories too as the competition has just opened, but check back often for more new fiction.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Hollow Places, my first novel is now online!

The Hollow Places - click to download

My first novel (to carry my name) is now available for download.

The Hollow Places is the story of Simon, a teenage serial killer, tasked with providing live bodies for a creature that lives along the UK coastline. Like his father before him, he has a natural ability for the work and is even beginning to think he might enjoy it, but then the creature asks for something he cannot give: the life of his sister. He has a window of just a few hours to save both their lives and so begins a bloody journey in search of rescue, revenge and redemption.

Thanks for visiting. Use coupon code CX67R on Smashwords to download the book for free in the next 36 hours.

Download now from SmashwordsAmazon or your favourite ebook retailer/distributor.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I've finally redone my links section to give a nod to some very talented people who deserve some attention and have helped me in some way with my own goals, whether by providing inspiration, tools and/or advice.

More changes to come as I downgrade my site somewhat to make it easier to manage, giving me more time to focus on making things.

Monday, March 24, 2014


I recently volunteered to help with the first ever carnival in Grolejac. Aside from the usual arrangement of chairs, balloons and food & drink stands, one of my jobs was to prepare Chinese Lanterns.

The kids, ages 3+, had designed postcards around the theme of what they wish for the future. The idea was that we'd tape some postcards to the lantern and then that evening they'd be released into the sky.

The thing about the sticking was that we had to do it so that the lanterns were not lopsided. If you've ever tried to light and release a Chinese lantern, you'll know that it's not as easy as it sounds. With the added complication of postcards and tape, the balance has to be just right.

On the subject of balance, I was particularly pleased by the first lantern I adorned. From the selection of postcards available, one caught my eye. In colourful crayon and careful script, it said, in French:

"I wish that nobody in Africa was suffering because they didn't have enough to eat."

Hand on chest. It's a beautiful card, with an elegant border, like a rainbow. I'm really liking this idea. A message of hope from the mouth and hand of one so young and so innocent.

The next card I pick up says:

"I  wish for a horse."

Somewhere - in a tree in someone's garden, setting fire to someone's chimney or tangled up in the wires of an electricity pylon - are these two wishes for the future. It's a beautiful thing.

I thought about what I'd wish for. I'm not really a 'wishing for world peace' kind of guy. WTF does that mean? I'm not sure, but as a horror writer I know how this wish stuff goes down. People get what they asked for and it's always a bit skewed. They wish for a hot car and then they get arrested for grand theft auto. They wish for a wife to return from the dead and she emerges from the mortuary, burning with the agony of having being embalmed the day before. They wish for a penis that touches the floor and someone cuts their legs off.

Wishing for a horse would create a lot of shit too. A lot of shit.

So what do I wish for?

... three more wishes, perhaps.

And a shovel.