Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dream - Sarah

Image result for white floor tiles
White floor tiles

"Did you ever meet Lenny Henry?" he asks.

She stares at him with an expression bordering on disbelief and contempt.

"You know what? Fuck this," he says, his chair scraping on the white, tiled floor. "Just tell me when you're dead and I'll come and clear your body."

The shit we talk about just so we don't have to sit in silence.

Dream - Scary, Sad, Snake Story

Image result for red, poisonous snake
Red and yellow venomous snake
I hear 999 being read out loud for radio. The publisher has given it 4 alternative titles and I like the jaunty feel of it. 

I crawl on hands and knees through the darkness into the black but circus-like tent where a publishing meeting is in progress. I clear my throat.

"Anyone want a scary story?" I ask.

A large woman in a tent-like black dress leans to one side so she can see me over the shoulder of her colleague. She has short, curly, blonde hair and has a touch of Victoria Wood about her. She speaks loudly but in hushed tones, which I find an endearing affectation.

"People send me scary stories," she says excitedly from her cross-legged position on the floor. "What I really want is a sad one!"

She puts her fleshy hands together, illustrating how much she wishes for this.

"Twenty-four hours?" I suggest, considering how long it will take me to craft a story for her.

"I'd publish it!" she says, beaming. I know that she smiles at everyone like this. This is her manner. What will be different about our interaction is that I will actually come up with a story and deliver it within 24 hours.

I nod and slide out of the tent.

As I go, someone looks in a bin bag, which is serving as the slush pile, and she says:

"Did nobody take the snake out of there? Oh, never mind."

I spend the rest of the night watching for snakes coming in under the doors. All the doors seem to have snake gaps.

"We just paint the poisonous ones with a yellow stripe and send them on their way," I hear one guy say.

I'm sleeping on the top bunk tonight. Tomorrow I'll write my story and get the f*ck out of here.