Saturday, May 30, 2015


Bitten by a pony. A new life experience.

What said pony might look like if he does it again ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Dream Club -

I've created a new club over at Scriggler. It's called the Dream Club and it's a place for anyone to post their dreams (we're talking dreams as in overnight movies).

Whatever your interest in dreams - whether it's in journaling or the strangeness of dreams, the psychology behind them, the possibility of waking up within your dreams (lucid dreaming) or if you have a sleep problem and want to talk about it - pull up a chair and say hello.

I'll be posting new dream stories to the group over the next couple of months.

Read my sci-fi dream piece "Journeys Through Space" and "May 10" in which the protagonist evades a missile aimed at his building.