Monday, March 30, 2015


Alice Nuttall @Ally_Nuttall  ·  23h 23 hours ago
Teen protagonist tries to investigate shifty government facility, can't get past the security guards, goes home.

Teenage girl detective walks into the killer's lair armed with nothing but her wits. She is killed.

Four friends try on the same pair of pants. It fits one of them. The last one to try them on rips them.

This hashtag makes me think again about what makes a story worth telling. If the character isn't doing anything exceptional, then is his/hers a story worth telling? 

The exceptional is conversely commonplace in fiction.

I like realism in fiction/movies, but go far in either direction and you end up with a joke. Realism can be tricky, but it's one of my favourite lines to cross. 

Kid is beaten up by bullies. Learns martial arts. Bullies have all moved on. It's been 6 years.

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